Archer J.

Collected Short Stories

Автор: Archer J.
Издательство: Pan Books
ISBN: 1-447-23130-9
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793.00 руб.

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This brand new edition brings together three of Jeffrey Archer's classic collections of short stories: A Quiver Full of Arrows, A Twist in the Tale and Twelve Red Herrings. Every reader will have their own favourites: the choices run from an imprisoned man who is certain that his supposed murder victim is very much alive, to a female driver pursued relentlessly by a menacing figure in another vehicle. An offhand remark is taken seriously by a Chinese sculptor in one tale, while a British diplomat unexpectedly becomes the owner of a priceless work of art in another... And over three of the stories, discover a hauntingly written, atmospheric account of two undergraduates at Oxford in the thirties: a tale of bitter rivalry that ends in a memorable love story. These stories are packed full of the master storyteller's unexpected twists, richly drawn characters and ingenious, witty denouements - some will make you laugh, others will bring you to tears. And, as always, every one of them will keep you spellbound.

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