Wodehouse P.G.

Jeeves omnibus (vol 1)

Автор: Wodehouse P.G.
Издательство: Hutchinson
ISBN: 0-09-173987-X
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2 639.00 руб.


'It beats me why a man of his genius is satisfied to hang around pressing my clothes and what not,' says Bertie. 'If I had Jeeves's brain, I should have a stab at being Prime Minister or something.' Luckily for us, Bertie Wooster manages to retain Jeeves's services through all the vicissitudes of purple socks and policemen's helmets, and here, gathered together for the first time, is an omnibus of Jeeves novels and stories: Thank You, Jeeves, The Codes of the Woosters, and The Inimitable Jeeves.

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