Wodehouse P.G.

Ring for Jeeves

Автор: Wodehouse P.G.
Издательство: Vintage
ISBN: 978-0-09-951392-6
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1 516.00 руб.


Внимание! Книга на английском языке! This is a Jeeves novel. Captain Biggar, big-game hunter and all round tough guy, should make short work of the two bookies who have absconded with his winnings after a freak double made him a fortune. But on this occasion Honest Patch Perkins and his clerk are not as they seem. In fact, they're not bookies at all, but the impoverished Bill Belfry, Ninth Earl of Rowcester and his temporary butler, Jeeves. Bertie Wooster has gone away to a special school teaching the aristocracy to fend for itself 'in case the social revolution sets in with even greater severity'. But Jeeves will prove just as resourceful without his young master, and brilliant brainwork may yet square the impossible circle for all concerned.

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