Wodehouse P.G.

The Inimitable Jeeves

Автор: Wodehouse P.G.
Издательство: Random House Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-09-951368-1
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1 839.00 руб.


Внимание! Книга на английском языке! A classic collection of stories featuring some of the funniest episodes in the life of Bertie Wooster, gentleman, and Jeeves, his gentleman's gentleman - in which Bertie's terrifying Aunt Agatha stalks the pages, seeking whom she may devour, while Bertie's friend Bingo Little falls in love with seven different girls in succession (including the bestselling romantic novelist Rosie M. Banks). And Bertie, with Jeeves's help, hopes to evade the clutches of the terrifying Honoria Glossop... At its heart is one of Wodehouse's most delicious stories, 'The Great Sermon Handicap'.

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