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Этаж: 2
Зал: 1
Шкаф: 33.18
Полка: 6
Автор: Puzo M.
Издательство: Random House Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-09-953324-5
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1 122.00 руб.


Внимание! Книга на английском языке! The Last Don is Mario Puzo at his finest - a masterful saga of the last great American crime family, the Clericuzios, and their powerful reach into Hollywood and Las Vegas. Domenico Clericuzio is a wise and ruthless man who in his old age is determined to create a life free from criminal activities for his grandchildren. But as he strives to establish his heirs in legitimate society, secrets from his family's past spark a vicious and bloody war between cousins...

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