Главная Книги ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И КУЛЬТУРА Искусство. Архитектура. Подарочные издания → Icons: Masterpices of Russian Art / Шедевры русской иконописи (на англ. яз.) ↓

Icons: Masterpices of Russian Art / Шедевры русской иконописи (на англ. яз.)

ISBN: 978-1-908126-09-2
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2 700.00 руб.


"icons: masterpiices of russian art": we are proud to offer this important book on icons dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries. these sixty icons from the kolomenskoye state museum are presented with full descriptions of their origins and symbolic meanings written by a leading specialist in old russian art. this book is a valuable resource for art historians, scholars of religious practice, and collectors of icons.

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